Monday, November 5, 2007


I've been talking to Angel and she's been telling me that some of you back home have been asking for information about how I'm doing. In a perfect world I could phone you all and tell you what a ride it's been so far. But that's not on (as they say here), so hopefuly this is the next best thing.

It's been a little over three months now since I left the U.S., and so far the experience has been hard to describe. In some ways Australia has been exactly what I had expected. The people are precisely as I had heard they would be-warm, friendly, and exceedingly open. The land is exactly as the writers describe- in a single word, immense. But in more ways it has been totally different than I had imagined. There have been so many surprises here: the language is even more different than I thought it would be (even to the point of being an obstacle to effective communication in some cases); the cost of living is much higher than I expected; and I've been pleasantly surprised at the tact that most people show when it comes to voicing their opinions on U.S. politics and foreign policy, even though both are clearly unpopular with most people here. Perhaps the most significant surprise in my experience so far is how many small, seemingly insignificant differences exist between US and Australian society. The net result of these difference is that Austalian culture is fundamentally very different than our own. We have some things in common, but it's a mistake to think of Australians as basically the same as Americans with a charming accent.

Anyway I'll be using this space to keep those of you interested enough to look updated on the latest goings-on down here. Hopefully you'll find the stories and observations here worth the read. Feel free to comment, say hello, or whatever.




pollywog said...

I enjoyed reading about your adventure and the pictures were great. Looking forward to reading more.

Rockfish43 said...


Enjoyed reading the "lingo" section. What is the drink of choice where you are staying?

Mike Howard

Jason said...

Thanks Paula, that means a lot.

Mike, Aussies love their beer. The most common decent beer here is Toohey's Extra Dry. Toohey's makes something called New that is sold everywhere, but as I heard a bartender tell one of his patrons, "I'll sell it to you, but I reckon you're an idiot for ordering it." I agree with him, it's nasty, as is Victoria Bitter, which is also everywhere and equally terrible. You can't find Fosters; nobody sells it.

Australian do wheat beer very, very well. I never liked wheats before coming here but Redback is an excellent local wheat named for a deadly spider. Another good choice at the bottle-o (Aussie for liquor store) is Coopers.

Rockfish43 said...


I'll check to see if I can get my hands on Toohey's around here!

Unknown said...

Hi Jason!

Sue Simmons, whom I worked with this summer, gave me your blogspot address because I too am headed out to Australia this summer, from June 20-August 4 and she said that it'd wet my appetite... everything looks beautiful... and just from what you've said, I know I am not going to want to come back!

cnmoore15 said...

Good On You Jason! Sounds like you're having a blast. Great to see the pics. I didn't get to the Perth area, but do remember reading about all the parks. Another hint about the language...Don't tell anyone that you "root" for in a team. Not quite the same meaning as back home. I got quite a few chuckles at that one! Take care and I look forward to reading more!

Oh..and by the way. They now sell real Australian beers at Outback. They have James Boag, Tooheys (ok..the New) and Coopers. No James Squire. That was my fave, of course that could be because the pub was right across from the office!